Sprinkler system winterization season is nearly here in Chesterfield, MO! While you may think it a little early to have your system winterized, we highly recommend preparing to schedule your sprinkler system’s winterization now, as opposed to later in the season when everyone’s in the midst of winterizations. When winterization season begins, it’s a chaotic time of year for nearly every irrigation company in our area. If you’re trying to schedule your system shutdown while everyone is out performing winterizations, you may find yourself without a company to shut down your system. Call Conserva Irrigation of St. Louis for your sprinkler system winterization in Chesterfield, MO, today at (636) 306-3976.

<h2>Why is Irrigation Winterization So Important in Chesterfield, MO?</h2>
Winterizing your Chesterfield, MO, sprinkler system is important for a variety of reasons, but it’s essentially a key and core component of proper irrigation system maintenance. The primary reason for winterizing your system is the removal of any residual water and the shutdown of your system’s controller. Why? This is performed in order to avoid any freeze damage that could occur once we experience several days of below-freezing temperatures. Failure to winterize your sprinkler system can result in broken sprinkler heads, lateral line leaks and PVBs and backflow preventers that burst from the pressure of the freezing water in the system.
We utilize a commercial-grade air compressor to force all of the water out of your system. During the blowout of your system, our highly-trained technicians will monitor each zone as it’s blown out to check for any areas in need of critical repairs. Blowing out your system will allow us to recognize even the smallest of line leaks, cracked heads or even broke seals on your heads. Each of these seemingly minor issues can waste hundreds or even thousands of gallons of water over just one season.

At Conserva Irrigation of St. Louis, our technicians don’t simply blowout your system and then head off to the next job – no matter how hectic and busy we are. Our technicians take the time to perform an in-depth sprinkler system analysis in order to make note of any critical repair needs that should be addressed prior to your springtime startup. This is key, as it will help you start off the spring with an irrigation system that’s operating both effectively and efficiently.
So, now’s the time to schedule your sprinkler system shutdown in Chesterfield, MO. You can reach us anytime by calling us at (636) 306-3976 or by filling out our contact form. We look forward to hearing from you soon!