As you’re more than likely aware, we’re closing in on the home stretch towards winterization signups. While it may seem a little early in the season to bring up winterizing your sprinkler system, it’s pertinent that you get on the schedule sooner than later. Every irrigation company in Wentzville, MO, and surrounding areas already has a customer base that’s signed up and has their irrigation system winterization scheduled for later in the fall. The last thing you want to do is wait until the last minute only to find out that nobody has any room left on the schedule. This could result in disaster for your irrigation system as the temperatures drop below freezing. Call Conserva Irrigation of St. Louis to schedule your irrigation system winterization now at (636) 306-3976!

Our customers want to have their systems winterized during a wide window during the fall. For instance, are you planning on overseeding your lawn and want to ensure your system is on to deliver adequate irrigation to the newly laid grass seed? If so, you most likely want to hold off on winterizing your system until you’ve had a few weeks of watering on your new grass seed. Furthermore, you may want to call Conserva Irrigation to ensure your system is actually delivering the correct amount of irrigation to your overseeded lawn. However, if you want to shut your system down earlier in the season, we can do that, too. We’ll work with you and try our absolute best to winterize your system when you’re ready. Ultimately, though, it’s recommended to have your system winterized well in advance of any potential hard freeze that may come through – as you probably know, our weather can be unpredictable.

In the image above, this is damage we encountered to a sprinkler head after a customer didn’t have their system winterized. In addition to this busted sprinkler head, their backflow preventer was also completely obliterated by frozen water, along with a few lateral lines. Remember, failure to winterize your irrigation system can end up being extremely costly in Wentzville, MO, and the surrounding areas. You never know when a hard freeze is going to hit and how long it will last. We could experience a deep freeze as early as November!
Make the smart choice and schedule your irrigation system winterization as early as possible. It will be one more item you can easily check off your to-do list and you’ll have peace of mind knowing we’ll show up precisely on the scheduled date to shut down your system for the winter. You can schedule your winterization by calling us at (636) 306-3976 or by filling out our contact form. We look forward to hearing from you soon!