It's time to arrange your irrigation system winterization, as you can probably tell by the shorter days and cooler temperatures in the mornings and evenings. While the current temperatures may not make it feel like an essential requirement, that will change, and it will change quickly. Conserva Irrigation of North Oklahoma City is offering expert sprinkler system blowouts for only $95. Make sure to book your system's winterization before it gets too busy. You can contact us at any moment by dialing (405) 896-5739.

Sprinkler system winterization is a key aspect of proper irrigation system maintenance. Failing to winterize your irrigation system will most likely result in freeze damage. This freeze damage can result in cracked lateral lines, broken sprinkler heads, and a cracked or leaking backflow preventer. The last thing you want is for your irrigation system to suffer a catastrophic break during the winter freeze only to find out about it once the temperatures warm up. This will lead to water spraying everywhere and you’ll need to quickly call a professional repair company. Furthermore, if your PVB goes out, then you’ll also need to ensure a professional plumber is involved, which makes the project slightly more expensive than other irrigation system repairs.

Other irrigation businesses in Norman, OK, and the surrounding areas most often don't go as in depth as we do when it comes to winterizing irrigation systems. We don't just blow out the water, leave an invoice, and go on to the next job. We take the time to make sure your entire system is completely shut down, and we'll examine it thoroughly before we leave. This allows us to discover any urgent maintenance needs before the system is turned on in the spring. We'll leave this with you when we go so you may look through the suggestions.
Give yourself peace of mind by getting on the irrigation winterization schedule now. You can reach us anytime by calling us at
(405) 896-5739 or by filling out our
contact form. We look forward to hearing from you soon!