Are all irrigation systems created equal? Not even close. As technology advances with leaps and bounds, now some irrigation systems are actually smarter than others.
Most people have a smartphone these days and relying solely on an antiquated landline would seem unfathomable. Well, the same is true when it comes to irrigation. While some irrigation systems oversaturate your lawn or leave dry spots, a smart irrigation system gives your landscape exactly what it needs to thrive.
Smart Irrigation Technology That’s Good for the Environment & Good for Your Wallet
Conserva Irrigation of Central New Jersey uses smart irrigation technology to help you maintain a healthy and beautiful landscape without wasting water. Through our exclusive partnership with Toro®, the world leader in innovative irrigation technology, we install state-of-the-art sprinkler systems that conserve more water than any other system on the market today. When working with clients to repair and upgrade their existing systems for efficiency, they typically see a reduction in water usage from 40%-60%.

Our smart controller, the EVOLUTION® Controller, is ground central of the irrigation system and accesses 40 years of historical weather data for your exact location to predict water distribution levels each day. The controller integrates with the ET Weather Sensor, which offers real-time weather data for rain, impending rain, and freezing temperatures. Together, these components are able to deliver precise amounts of water to different areas of your landscape at optimal times of the day to keep your lawn, bushes, shrubs, flowers and plants beautiful and healthy year after year. Then, overnight, the weather data is updated and makes adjustments to your watering schedule so that the system is optimized for the next day.
When programming your smart controller, we take into consideration all the elements of your landscape, including sun exposure, shade, soil, slope, and plant material in each zone. To further customize water distribution, the controller receives data from Toro® soil sensors that measure the soil saturation and moisture levels that can vary throughout your property.
With these core components working together, the zones in your landscape receive the precise amount of water they need, and no more. By conserving water used for irrigation, you are protecting one of nature’s most valuable resources while saving money on your water bill.

Increase Sprinkler System Efficiency in East Brunswick with High-Quality Irrigation Repairs
The average irrigation system uses 2,500 gallons of water each day, half of which is usually wasted due to undetected repairs and inefficiency. At Conserva, we offer free inspections to evaluate your system for repairs, outdated components, and poor programming that may be wasting water.
After meticulously inspecting your entire system above and below the surface, you’ll have a complete picture of where your irrigation system stands in terms of efficiency and what it takes for it to operate at peak performance. At that time, we’ll share our associated flat-rate costs as well as everything you need to know about smart irrigation technology from Toro®. By using smart irrigation components to increase system efficiency, you'll be able to maintain a green, lush landscape while doing your part for the environment and saving money in the process.
If you live in East Brunswick or surrounding areas and are interested in increasing sprinkler system efficiency with a smart irrigation installation or upgrade and high-quality irrigation repairs, call Conserva today to schedule an appointment. We look forward to helping you find out what smart irrigation technology can do for you!