
Watering Needs for Fall Plants

It’s fall y'all! How do we know? The foliage of course! Not only are the trees’ leaves turning beautiful autumnal tones, but as you drive down your neighborhood street you’re noticing the neighbors’ porches with fall flowers.

One of our favorite fall plants is the chrysanthemum. Or ‘“mum” as most people call them. Mums are popular because they are low maintenance and come in hundreds of varieties for shapes, size, and colors. The one tricky part to mums… remembering to water them! Since most homeowners showcase their mums on their front porch in potted or ornamental planters, they typically have to water them separately from the rest of their lawn or landscape. But did you know you don’t have to use a hose or watering can to give your potted plants a drink?

Micro and drip irrigation is growing more and more popular for ornamental plants – and mums are no exception! Drip irrigation takes all the guesswork out of watering your potted plants. So how does it work?

Drip irrigation can hook right into your existing sprinkler system. Drip works by running water through small, flexible tubing that connects to a precise drip emitter. Those drip emitters come in a range of flows that can be easily changed depending on how large and what types of plants you are watering. So, even if you have 5 pots with a different type of plant in each, you can still water every individual plant’s needs.

Drip irrigation isn’t just limited to potted mums or similar flowers. Some other great ways to utilize drip include:

  • Raised garden beds

  • Hanging planters

  • Xeriscape gardens or landscapes

  • Large landscaped beds with a mix of plant types

So, whether you are looking to stop breaking your back when you water your mums this fall, or you just need a better solution to water your diverse plant types – drip is the answer! Getting a drip system from Conserva Irrigation is an easy process that begins with a custom estimate based on your specific property’s needs. Typically, the installation process will take less than a day, and ongoing maintenance is very easy.

Contact your local Conserva Irrigation office to learn more.